Famous libertarians

Fiscally Conservative, Socially Tolerant & Pro-Defense!

Mainstream Libertarians

Celebrity libertarians in sports & entertainment

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Donald L. Luskin is Chief Investment Officer for Trend Macrolytics, LLC, and a Contributing Editor for SmartMoney.com and National Review Magazine.  He’s also a frequent guest on Cable Business News Shows.  Luskin was discovered as a “Registered Libertarian” by MainstreamLibertarian.com

*Note – The List includes: Comedians, Actors, Authors, Radio, Television, Sports and Business Personalities who identify themselves as “libertarians,” identify strongly with libertarian beliefs, or are associated in some way with libertarian groups or causes.

Dennis Miller, Comedian & Fox News Contributor

Doug Stanhope, Comedian

J.J. Jackson, Comedian

Drew Carey, Comedian & TV Sitcom Host

P.J. O’Rourke, Humorist & Author

Ted Nugent, Rock Star & Bow Hunter

Gene Simmons, Rock Star & Entrepreneur

Dwight Yoakum, Country Music Star

John Popper, Lead Singer, Blues Traveler

Danny Elfmann, Lead Singer, Oingo Boingo & Movie Soundtrack Producer

Neal Peart, Drummer, Rush

Donald Fagen, Lead Guitarist, Steely Dan

Danny Bonaduce, Actor & Radio Host 

Donald L. Luskin, Investments Advisor & Cable News Commentator

Drew Carey a “libertarian” Comedian

In the Orange County Register, Alan Bock, Senior Editorial Writer recently wrote about “libertarian” comedian Drew Carey:

People have said for a long time that Drew Carey’s comedy has a libertarian tinge. Recently, with his professional success established, he decided to do more reading and find out if it was true. He decided he really does lean libertarian, so he might as well use his fame to help push the country a bit more in the direction of personal freedom. 

Ted Nugent, Rocker and Hunting enthusiast, has appeared at fundraisers for libertarian Republican candidates in his home State of Michigan.  Nugent is also rumored to be a future Republican candidate for Governor. 

Jesse Ventura, fmr. Wrestler & Governor

Arnold Schwarzenneger, Hollywood Actor & Governor

Clint Eastwood, Hollywood Actor, Director & Producer

Tom Selleck, Hollywood Actor

Kurt Russell, Hollywood Actor

Bruce Willis, Hollywood Actor

James Woods, Hollywood Actor

Mickey Rourke, Hollywood Actor

John Stossel, Network TV Commentator & Author

Neal Boortz, Radio Talk Show Host

Tammy Bruce, Radio Talk Show Host

Larry Elder, Radio Talk Show Host

Jim Rogers, Capitalist Guru & World Investment Advisor

James Glassman, Business News Commentator

Dr. Helen Smith, Psychologist & TV Film Documentary Producer

Michael Crichton, Best Selling Sci Fi & Historical Fiction Author

Take the Quiz!!

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Libertarian Quiz

Published by Eric Dondero, CEO Pro-America Political Campaigns, Houston, TX 979-799-7077

Radio Jock and famed Fox News Contributor Mancow a self-described “libertarian” passionately supports American values. 

Mike Piazza, Catcher, Major League Baseball

Barry Zito, Pitcher, Major League Baseball

Wayne Root, Las Vegas Football Oddsmaker

Gary Sinese, Actor & USO Representative

Christie Heffner, Playboy Enterprises

Matt Drudge, Internet News Site Publisher

Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News Co-Anchor

Neal Cavuto, Fox News Anchor & Network VP

Mancow, Morning Radio Host & Fox News Contributor

Bob Prechter, Financial Advisor

Larry Kudlow, Financial Columnist

John Fund, Wall Street Journal Editorialist

Walter Williams, Economist & Rush Limbaugh Show Radio Co-Host

Gary Johnson, Fmr. New Mexico Governor, Bicyclist, Rock Climber & World Adventurer

Jon Stewart, Host, Comedy Central’s Today Show 

John Mackey, CEO, Whole Foods Inc.

Tucker Carlson, MSNBC Host


Oakland’s Barry Zito a “libertarian”

The Oakland Tribune recently had a feature story on the newest Oakland A’s Player Barry Zito. They wrote:

Barry Zito is the parading iconoclast in the Haight. He’s the social libertarian in the Castro. He’s the yuppie strolling the Marina district, which he once called home… Zito, 28, is the surfer dude who votes conservative, the free thinker who often gets trapped in his own restless mind. One minute he is expressing his fondness of Fox News, the next he is picking up his guitar to jam with local boy Chris Isaak.