Fiscally Conservative, Socially Tolerant & Pro-Defense!
Mainstream Libertarians

Pro-America Political Campaigns
Libertarian Republican campaigns and initiatives nationwide. Specializing in petitions drives. Houston, Texas
Cell: 979-799-7077 E-mail: [email protected]

Eric Dondero, CEO & Publisher,
Bio: Eric Dondero is a US Navy Veteran and Graduate of Florida State University. He is the Founder of the Republican Liberty Caucus, a fmr. Libertarian Party National Committeeman and served for 6 years as Senior Aide to US Congressman Ron Paul (TX).
He speaks over 10-15 languages. (He’s fluent in Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese). He has traveled to 25 nations worldwide on 5 continents. He also authored two books on travel/languages: “Worldwide Multilingual Phrase Book” and “Vacation Spanish.” He lives in Angleton, Texas, just south of Houston, with his wife Shandra Li.
Dondero has worked and consulted for numerous campaigns nationwide including: US Senator Joe Lieberman (Independent), US Congressman Ron Paul (TX), Michigan State Representative Leon Drolet, California Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia and the Libertarian Party of Alaska. In 2004, Dondero led the nationwide effort for Libertarians for Bush. Most recently he has worked on many petition drives including Property Rights, Spending Limits and Repeal of local Smoking Bans.
Dondero’s blog on free enterprise is at:
Dondero’s blog on politics and military issues is at:
Recent articles on Dondero in major media:

Assistant Editor Robert Booth of Katy, Texas
Bio: Rob Booth is a Univ. of Texas Graduate and former 8-year US Navy Veteran. He speaks fluent Russian. He now works in the oil industry and is a partner with his wife Michelle in a Houston-area ceramic business. He started out in the Libertarian Party back in the late 1980s working for Ron Paul for President. He’s been with the Republican Liberty Caucus since the early 1990s. He is a longtime Houston-area GOP activist, former precinct chair, delegate to two state conventions, and campaign worker for numerous Republican candidates.
Contributors: Dr. Clifford Thies – Shenandoah, VA, Bruce Cohen – Orange County, CA, Carl Svensson – New York City, Shawna Anderson – Kansas, Scott Bludorn – Chicago, IL, Jon Boguth – Macomb County, MI, Phil Blumel – Palm Beach, FL, and Jason Dowell – Anchorage, AK. James Fryar of Australia serves as our Contributor abroad.
Shared Web Links
Property Rights
Hard Hat GOP
Libertarian activism
Libertarian culture
Published by Eric Dondero, CEO Pro-America Political Campaigns, Houston, TX 979-799-7077

Libertarian values; Hard work, Pride and Patriotism
This is the site I was looking for!
I have a HARD time trying to convert my brothers-in-arms when they do a search and the first thing they see about the LP is the anti-war stance. I have had to start referring them to Neal Boortz’ website. I am glad that I have another link to send them to now! The people that I work with need no encouragement to support freedom–All of us already do. We just want to keep America free.
De oppresso liber!
Adam, US Army, Germany
You articles are well-written, and even though I may not agree with everything, I’ve learned a lot about libertarianism.
MarkThanks for contacting me about our proud achievement of getting a solid Libertarian elected. Our colleague and friend, Doug Burlison, will be on the Springfield, Missouri City Council for the next four years, bringing with him a firm committment to fiscal conservativism and limited governance.
Keith Rogers,
I have recently found your website and Blog and I am happy to see that there are Pro-Defense, Pro-America Libertarians out there. It seems the surrender monkeys dominate the Libertarian discussion. Do you know any Pro-Defense Republican Libertarians out here in Western New York? I occasionally mix it up with guys at Free New York, but I’m hard pressed to find anyone willing to stand up to the islamo-fascists.
Ray Walters, Buffalo, NY
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