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LIBERTARIAN POLITICS LIVETop Ten on Blog Talk Radio! Every Tuesday & Thursday Night7:30 pm cst Hosted by Eric Dondero, with Co-Host Andre Traversaand Producer "Georga"This week's guest: TBAGuests to come, include:Dinesh D'Souza, Robert Spencer,& Wayne Allyn Root

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Libertarian Defense Caucus
The newly re-organized LDC. Fighting for a Pro-Defense stance for the Libertarian Movement. Pro-Military, Pro-Border Controls, & Pro-War on Islamo-Fascism.
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Alaskans are naturally inclined to libertarian ideals. Join others in moving to the last Frontier. Learn more about the Alaska Libertarian Party.
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We’ve proudly served Texas Republicans for years. In addition to our guaranteed quality printing and on-time delivery of big signs and yard signs to fit your campaign. We specialize in conservative and libertarian Republican campaigns.
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Top Publicity Agent specializing in libertarian and conservative radio talk shows. Get your message heard on top talk shows and in the print media, fast. Reasonable rates. Andre Traversa, Chicago, IL. 847-318-6413.
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Lower Taxes!
Federal income tax rate reductions, as well as cutting back on all state and local taxes. Making federal income tax rate reductions permanent. Scaling back of capital gains taxes, and an immediate end to estate taxes.
Stop the Over Spending
Balanced Federal Budget through spending cuts, not increased taxes. Broad cuts in rates of spending increases for all federal, state and local governmental programs. Reform of Medicare, Social Security and other entitlement programs through greater reliance on private alternatives.
Growing the American Economy
Getting the Government off the backs of small business, and corporations by scaling back OSHA, the EPA and other restrictive Federal Agencies. Right to Work legislation that protects workers and spurs economic growth. Workers’ comp. reform that protects small businesses against huge lawsuits and endless litigation.
Pro Independence Energy Policy
More self-reliance. Lower gas prices through increased refining capacity and allowance for drilling for oil in Alaska and Coastlines.
Property Rights
Absolute opposition to Eminent Domain laws when used by local governments to transfer lands from one private entity to another.
Choice in Education
School vouchers and tuition tax credits. Greater emphasis on private and home schooling as an alternative to failing public schools. Opposition to affirmative action laws, and minority preferences.
Individual Liberties
An end to petty laws that harass Americans such as restrictions on free speech, bans on religious expression, unreasonable regulations of sexual lifestyles for consenting adults, clogging up our court systems with low level marijuana cases, smoking bans in restaurants/bars, and ticketing law-abiding safe drivers for not wearing seat belts. Also, no federal mandates for speed limits or drinking age laws. Repeal gambling restrictions such as internet gaming ban.
Gun Rights & Supporting Sportsmen
Full rights and protections to keep and bear arms. Protecting rights of hunters and anglers. Lessening of licensing fees. More access for off-road recreational vehicles and other sports enthusiasts on public lands.
Strong Defense
Defending our borders, and maintaining a strong and well-equipped Military to protect our nation from any terrorist or foreign state. Using the Military to fight terrorists overseas, when necessary, rather than here at home. Support for the All-Volunteer Armed Forces.
A foreign policy of diplomacy, cooperation and free trade to promote democratic ideals and freedoms around the world. Assisting with the liberation of repressed peoples from the tyranny of fascist and socialist dictators.
Balanced Immigration Policy & Protecting our Borders
Protecting our Borders from Illegal Immigration through beefed up enforcement, more Border Patrol and fencing. Allowing for a Guest Worker Program for Mexicans who wish to work temporarily in the U.S., with a criminal background check. Citizenship only for those who learn English. Strict measures to stop terrorists from entering the U.S.
MOVEMENT NEWSShop Owners battle Village Hall in Chicago suburbs
2/1/7, Scott Bludorn, Arlington Heights, IL:
The disappointing decision handed down by Circuit Court Judge Epstein regarding the future of International Plaza has caused a great deal of turmoil with business owners and residents of Arlington Heights. Plaza owners and tenants have vowed to continue their fight to protect the rights of all property owners from the abuse of Eminent Domain in our community. While two more lawsuits are pending to reverse the judge’s opinion regarding the plaza, the Coalition to Save International Plaza will continue its hard work to heighten public awareness regarding this outright theft of property engaged by village officials.
“Our local politicians, and now the courts, remain tone deaf to the public offense of allowing property seizures by use of Eminent Domain simply to transfer the property to another private developer who promises more tax revenues” said Stephen Bachtell, general manager of Studio Salons of Arlington Heights. “We are asking all residents to contact village officials and tell them to reverse their outrageous position.”
The Coalition to Save International Plaza has quantified the public sentiment regarding this issue by conducting a door-to-door survey of Arlington Heights residents. “88% of local homeowners surveyed oppose the action the village is taking. People understand Eminent Domain is necessary and useful to widen a road or build a fire station but they recognize abuse when they see it,” said Leo Plotkin, owner of the Unique Camera shop in the plaza. “Stealing private property and giving it to a developer is just plain un-American!”
Michigan Libertarian Republicans looking for volunteers for GOP Convention
Dan Shiell, MI RLC: We’re planning on having a booth at the State Convention Feb. 8-10th. So if anyone plans on being in Grand Rapids for the convention please contact me if you are interested in working our table.
Also, Leon Drolet, RLC State Campaign Chairman, is looking for volunteers to man the convention with Ron Paul literature. Please contact Mark Andrek, [email protected] for more information.
Dan Sheill
Ron Paul & RLC National Chairman both to speak at New Hampshire Conference
The Boston Globe is reporting that Libertarian Republican Presidential candidate Cong. Ron Paul of Texas, will be speaking to the New Hampshire Liberty Conference on Feb. 25. Also on tap to speak are John Stossel and Republican Liberty Caucus National Chairman Bill Westmiller.
Site published by Eric Dondero, CEO Pro-America Political Campaigns, Houston, TX 979-799-7077
USA Today outlines how Giuliani could win the Primary
1/31/7 — Giuliani leads the Republican field, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds. In January, 31% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said Giuliani was their likely preference for president; 27% chose McCain. In a head-to-head contest, Giuliani beat McCain 50%-42%.
His game plan might go like this: Finish in the top tier of candidates in Iowa, then win or at least finish second in New Hampshire, a Northeast state with a libertarian streak. (That would mean besting McCain, who won the primary over George W. Bush in 2000, and/or Romney, the former governor of neighboring Massachusetts.) Then Giuliani would need to survive in South Carolina, a Deep South state with a solidly conservative electorate.
If all that happens, he could be well positioned for the unprecedented crush of primaries on Feb. 5 that may include California, Florida, Illinois and New Jersey.
Governor Palin signs on to two tax-cutting bills
Governor Sarah Palin gave her approval to two bi-partisan sponsored bills in the Senate to cut taxes on Alaskans. The first, SB 39, would reduce business licensing fees from $100.00 to $25.00. The second, SB 41, would repeal the “nuisance tax” on studded tires.
“What’s important in Governor Palin’s view is that the tax be repealed,” said John Bitney, the governor’s liaison. “If we can work together to get that done, we appreciate it.”
Republicans look for a Revival in Massachusetts
1/23/7 — Libertarian-leaning Republican State Rep. Peter Torkildsen won election last week as State GOP Chairman. He is now planning an agressive statewide effort to boost the number of the State’s elected Republicans. State Senator Richard Tisei is applauding Torkildsen’s efforts.
Boston Globe: In order to rebuild the party, Tisei said Republicans need to shift away from social issues, and focus on the economy. “Historically, our party has had a strong libertarian streak. We’ve been moderate on most social issues, and fiscally conservative, and that’s a good combination.”
DailyKos features”Libertarian Spoilers”
1/31/7 — The Web’s Number One Liberal Blog has a major article on how the Libertarian Party stole two Senate races from the Republicans in 2006.
Libertarian Godfather speaks to Leftwingers in Boston
Aaron Goldstein: With this in mind I wondered how (PJ) O’Rourke, a self-described “right-wing Republican”, would be received in one of Brookline’s most beloved institutions. As it turned out, O’Rourke was quite well received… During his talk, O’Rourke dropped a few “f bombs” though he wasn’t gratuitous about it. If one is to read his writings one will know his love for the bottle. And the glass. And the mug. And anything else that might contain an alcoholic beverage. Of course, what is life without a passing reference to the pleasures of the flesh.
O’Rourke emphasizes, however, that he is a small l-libertarian. He recounted attending a Libertarian Party meeting where he met a math teacher who wanted to privatize the sidewalks. He said such functions made for “a boring evening.”
Zero-based budgeting in Georgia Legislature
Jan 29th 2007
by State Senator David Shafer
My friends at the Republican Liberty Caucus of Georgia have endorsed Senate Bill 12. This bill, which I introduced along with Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Jack Hill and others, would require zero based budgeting.
This bill has also drawn support from Americans for Prosperity, a grass roots organization advancing free markets and limited government. Joe McCutchen has bestowed the superlative “Super Taxpayer Champion” on several of the sponsors of the bill, including Senators Jeff Chapman, Chip Pearson and Chip Rogers and me.
Idaho Gov. Butch Otter negotiates for less floor space for Capitol Building
1/29/7, Jill Kuraitis opinining in
The hottest issue at the Idaho legislature last week was the compromise between Governor Butch Otter and legislators, who agreed to scale back the planned Capitol expansion to one underground floor instead of two. Shawna Gamache of the Idaho Statesman has a great story which explains how things worked out.
So – a compromise which halved the number of square feet of the expansion, without a cost estimate? That seems…well, not very Republican. Otter isn’t known for symbolism… but knowing his libertarian leanings, this one seems obvious. Symbolically, does less floor space equal less government?
Republican legislator introduces Medical Marijuana bill in Connecticut
From Gabriel Sayegh, Drug Policy Alliance Network:
We now have a medical marijuana bill in Connecticut! Recently, Rep.Penny Bacchiochi (R-Somers) re-introduced her medical marijuana bill, HB 6175. Supporters this year are many, and include Rep. Marie Kirkley-Bey, the Deputy Speaker of the House.
You can help win medical marijuana in Connecticut by taking action now to support House Bill 6715: An Act Concerning the Palliative Use of Marijuana. Send a message to your legislator, urging their support of medical marijuana. Take Action Now.
*Editor’s Note – Republican State Senator Bob Hedlund of neighboring Massachusetts has introduced similar legislation in previous sessions in his respective State. Additionally, Republican Rep. Steve Vaillancourt of New Hampshire has also supported marijuana reform legislation.